My name is Ali Abdulla .My friends call me Al Asri and its my grand father’s name .I’m 20 years old .For me its too early to start a family so I’m not marred married .I like to drive my car in the desert and visit my grand father’s farm to drink camels milk .I love it because its breathy much my energy drink. I play video games and it takes a lot of time from my life. Well at lest I don’t spend it in more dangerous things. I joined HCT last year. I done my first year in Al ain when there wasn’t space for me in Abu Dhabi’s HCT. I felt more relaxed when I was in Al ain. As for my Al ain became my favorit place in this country. People there are more friendly however there are closed on there self’s. I don’t blame them because they live far away from the modern building. I think people who is seek and tired from there life at the modern cities should come to Al ain. At lest that is what I do. I got 2 brothers. My big brother’s name is Ahmed. He is still study at a university in Abu Dhabi. And my little brother just joined the HCT after his studies at school.